Lisa B TiemannLisa is an artist, teacher and nature lover who has created hundreds of commissions in stained glass, mosaic and mixed media for homes, offices, public and private sites. Works include windows, lamps, walls, murals and standing screens. She is proprietor of Lisa Bright Tiemann Studio. She is founder of Green Queen Arts for the Natural World, which creates community projects; and hosts the Stone Soup Mosaic Space, where people can play around with and learn mosaic technique.

Artist's Statement:

Bright stones in sunlight. Pick one up and hold it against your eye. Slowly crack open your eye and let a new world in, the world of picking up a small thing and watching it unfold a universe. As a child I found worlds on a rocky beach. I let in color and volume and light, the smell of salt and life and creation. That may have been when I became an artist.

In solitude I biked down dusty paths, hid in damp caves, lay on grass watching the big screen above. Spaciousness was my muse. When I began calling myself an artist I had been living in cities and painting abstract landscapes from my mind. When I began learning glass I rediscovered an immediate, tactile give-and-take between the worlds of matter and imagination, such as when I first held those stones.

I have entered into crystal springs and jungles; reef, rainbow and rock. I've seen the light within plants. Everywhere is a world vibrating with light; color is a healer and art can bring us closer to our source. I want to affirm and share that connection. I draw on all that honors the world so that my art can align itself with healing forces.

Artist in Action:

Click play below to watch a video of one of Lisa's large scale installations